Quindell Financial Services

2999 days ago

Quindell Financial Services back from the Dead..Praise be to the Lord (Howard)

Quindell Financial Services is alive again! Yes the vehicle ex CEO Rob Fielding used to trouser a £2 million hidden bung is back from the dead. After having been struck off by Companies House on 17 November 2015 it has been restored back on the register of companies on 3 February 2016. Would this have occurred without Shareprophets persistent questioning of Lord Michael Howard on 21 November 2015 (HERE). Perhaps not as you shall see. 


3080 days ago

Lord Michael Howard of Quindell answers question at 12th time of asking – but answers wrongly

Twelve times, by email and by twitter I asked former Tory leader Lord Michael Howard of Quindell (QPP) why the new board was trying to bury evidence of the fraud committed by the old board by not filing accounts for Quindell Financial Services – the vehicle ex CEO Rob Fielding used to half inch almost £2 million in a sham deal with convicted Nigerian fraudster Andrew O’Dua. Lord Howard has now responded to THIS article and my question. Sadly his answer is er...not factually accurate.

I asked Lord Howard:


3139 days ago

Quindell Financial Services – a lot more for the Serious Fraud Office to Investigate

This company encapsulates the Quindell (QPP) story of serial fraud in the most simple of companies, a dormant £1 company with one share. Yet the three filed accounts are all wrong. The company is then acquired for £1,354,000 just two months after filing accounts showing a net worth of £2,501. Quindell then incorrectly disclosed the acquisition in its 2013 accounts. The new Board then writes off all the acquisition as goodwill. Finally, despite being owned by Quindell since October 2014 QFS is issued with a striking off notice as it's late filing the 2014 accounts and two Annual Returns. And it gets worse…more fun for the SFO as I now explain.


3218 days ago

Breaking: Lord Michael Howard – is this another Rob Fielding brown envelope fraud for you to check out? Quindell Financial Services.

Now that Lord Michael Howard and I are such good mates I wonder if the ex-Tory leader would like to comment on the status of Quindell Financial Services as I have a horrible feeling that this may be another fraud involving ex CEO Rob Fielding.

We already know that the SFO and others are looking at the £2 million bung that Fielding picked up when Quindell bought a worthless company from convicted Nigerian fraudster Andrew O’Dua for £30 million.  But now let’s look at Quindell Financial Services.
